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  • Policy Number: SP.06.016
  • Version: Original
  • Drafted By:
  • Approved By: Dr. Richard R. Rush
  • Approval Date:
  • Effective Date:
  • Supercedes:


The President may bestow the title on an eligible faculty member who is entering permanent retirement and who has served CSUCI with distinction.  The bestowal of emeritus/a status is an honor and not a right.  A faculty member is not eligible for emeritus/a status until retired and any service in the Faculty Early Retirement Program is completed.


In recognition and appreciation of the professional, scholarly and creative contributions of the faculty before retirement, and in acknowledgement that these activities do not end with retirement, it is the policy of California State University Channel Islands to honor retired faculty who have distinguished themselves during their careers at the University with emeritus/a status, to encourage their continued association with the University, and to provide, where possible, for the continued support of their scholarly and creative interests.





All faculty including lecturers who have accumulated ten or more years of full-time equivalent service at CSUCI are eligible for nomination for emeritus/a status at their highest academic rank upon retirement from the University.  Breaks in service do not disqualify a faculty member from attaining emeritus/a status.

In addition, the following categories of faculty may also be nominated for emeritus/a status:

  • Instructional faculty who hold the rank of Professor with tenure;
  • Librarians who hold the rank of Librarian with tenure;
  • Student services professionals who hold the rank of Student Services Professional, Academic-Related III with tenure.

The President (or designee) shall make the final determination in the granting of emeritus/a status.  Usually emeritus/a status is granted by the President upon the recommendation of the appropriate academic program (or equivalent unit), academic dean and the Provost (or appropriate administrator).  However, the President may use his/her discretion in initiating and granting emeritus/a status in exceptional cases. These might include, but are not limited to the death or permanent disability of a faculty member while still in active service.

A faculty member may decline emeritus/a status. 




Recognition and Privileges of Emeritus/a Faculty

  • Upon becoming Emeritus/a, faculty members shall be recognized as follows:
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall receive a permanent photo identification card indicating emeritus/a status and entitling them to the privileges described below.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall be listed in the University catalog during their lifetimes.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall receive recognition at commencement at the time of retirement.
  • Upon becoming Emeritus/a, faculty members shall generally have the same rights and privileges as active faculty members for the use of University facilities and attendance at University functions.  To the extent that resources permit, their privileges include, but are not limited to the following:
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall be eligible to receive printed business cards indicating emeritus/a status.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall be eligible to participate in sponsored research projects subject to appropriate University approval.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall be eligible to serve on thesis committees.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall be eligible to teach in extension or on a part-time basis.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall be eligible to use office and/or laboratory space after all space needs of active faculty have been met and if approved by the appropriate academic program(s) and the academic dean.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall be eligible for modest clerical support after all clerical needs of active faculty have been met.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall be eligible to receive Internet access and/or an e-mail account where applicable and subject to University guidelines.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members may be listed in the CSUCI telephone directory on request.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members are entitled to lifetime subscriptions to University publications distributed to active faculty members.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall receive discounts or complimentary tickets for two persons for campus events (including, but not limited to cultural and athletic events).
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall receive full faculty library privileges.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall be eligible for short-term complimentary faculty parking permits if faculty and staff parking needs are met, and if not actively employed by the University.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall be eligible to use campus recreational facilities.
    • Emeritus/a faculty members shall receive other privileges as the Academic Senate, Associated Students, the President and/or the Chancellor’s Office may recommend.
  • Obligations
    • Emeritus/a faculty members are obliged to cite CSUCI as their academic affiliation when University resources or facilities are used in the performance of their professional activities.  Emeritus/a faculty members are encouraged to contribute their knowledge and skills to the intellectual and cultural life of the University.



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