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  • Policy Number: SP.05.004
  • Version: Original
  • Drafted By:
  • Approved By: Richard R. Rush
  • Approval Date:
  • Effective Date:
  • Supercedes:


A long range academic plan is central to the success of overall University planning efforts.  Institutionalizing the process of academic planning is intended to provide for thoughtful discussion of program growth, to assist the campus in responding to regional and state program needs, and to support the University’s mission. Additionally, the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) standards and recommendations underscore the need for a planning process.

CSU Channel Islands’ academic plan is intended to direct on-going discussion of facilities needs and to assist the campus in identifying and prioritizing future construction and renovation. Academic planning is essential in projecting future faculty and staff hiring and in setting campus budget priorities.  Finally, academic planning is central to CSUCI attaining student enrollment targets projected for the next ten years.  











Toward this end, CSU Channel Islands commits to an ongoing academic planning process.  The University’s academic plan must be updated on a regular basis. 

This policy creates an Academic Planning Committee (APC) of faculty and administrators charged with:

  • collecting empirical data and information on program needs in the region and the state;
  • identifying emerging fields and degree opportunities that further CSUCI’s mission;
  • soliciting input from campus and community constituencies on program priorities;
  • providing cost estimates for new and projected programs;
  • coordinating the introduction of state-support and self-support programs by working closely with the Dean of Extended Education
  • providing recommendations on majors, minors, emphases and other programs to the Provost and the Academic Senate;
  • disseminating its findings to the wider campus community.

Composition of the Academic Planning Committee

The Academic Planning Committee shall be composed of the following members:

  • Faculty serving on the Curriculum Committee.  These faculty will provide continuity and flow of information between those involved in planning and those responsible for reviewing proposals for new majors, minors, and courses.
  • The AVP for Academic Programs and Planning, the Dean of Extended Education, a designee from the President’s Office, the Director of Institutional Research, a faculty representative from the General Education Committee, and a student representative. 
  • Other administrative areas may be asked for information and staff support in order to assist the planning process.  The AVP for Academic Programs and Planning will coordinate the activities of the Academic Planning Committee.

Responsibilities of the Academic Planning Committee Shall include:

  • Updating the Academic Master Plan.   Each January, the University submits an updated five- or ten-year academic master plan to the Chancellor’s Office.  The Planning Committee will provide recommendations to the Academic Senate and Provost on updates to that plan.  While this annual Academic Plan updates only degrees and only lists each of these by name, the Academic Planning Committee in contrast shall make recommendations not only on degrees, but also on credentials, minors, and emphases within programs to assist the campus to anticipate the phasing in of new program areas over time.
  • Developing Timelines for New Degrees, Programs   The APC will produce an implementation timeline for each new degree and program approved as part of the University’s academic plan.  That time line would identify key decision points along the path from initial program conception to implementation: short form approval, long form approval, recruitment and hiring decision-points, submission to the Chancellor’s Office, catalog publication, articulation, and course approval deadlines.
  • Identifying and Developing Timelines for Emphases within Existing Majors and Programs.  Because of their impact on the academic program emphases and minors need to be incorporated into the academic planning process. Therefore, with the leadership of the faculty, chair or coordinator of the relevant area, the Academic Planning Committee shall help identify new emphases and minors and calendar them as part of master planning process.  The planning lead time for emphases does not need to be as lengthy as for new degrees, in part because these do not require off-campus approval.  Planning for emphases and minors should begin at least 18 months before intended implementation to allow for curriculum committee and academic affairs approval, inclusion in the catalog and schedule, dissemination program information, and articulation. 
  • Moving Programs from Self-Support to State Support.  When it is proposed that degrees offered through self support by the Office of Extended Education shall be moved to state support, these degrees should be submitted to the Academic Planning Committee eighteen months before intended implementation.  After discussion with interested parties, the APC will make a recommendation to the Senate and the Provost for approval.
  • Providing Program Information to the Curriculum Committee.  With a timeline for new degrees in place, the Curriculum Committee will continue its current responsibilities for reviewing and recommending approval of new degrees, majors, minors, emphases, and courses.  It is important to affirm that the Academic Planning Committee will not supersede the Curriculum Committee’s responsibilities for program and course approval.  Instead, it will assist that Committee and others with wider program planning information and review.
  • Soliciting Input on New Majors and Programs.  Solicit suggestions from faculty and staff, Provost and President, and from community constituencies about innovative and in-demand programs that would provide vital educational opportunities for students in the region.  This input may come in the form of organized information meetings with community organizations, businesses, educational community, and public agencies.
  • Soliciting Information from Institutional Research (IR) and the Enrollment Management and Student Success Committee (EMSS) on Program Growth.  Recognizing the importance of enrollment growth and the valuable information generated by IR and EMSS, the Academic Planning Committee would include data on enrollment projections for existing majors and for new majors in making recommendations on expansion of the university into new curriculum areas.  EMSS will supply information on trends in enrollment and IR will supply enrollment projections.

 The New Degree Program Timeline:

  • displays a model three year timeline for development of new degree programs, majors, and credentials.  It is intended to show the sequence of tasks needed for the successful identification, review, approval, and implementation of new programs. 

Calendar of the Academic Planning Committee

  • The Academic Planning Committee will conduct the bulk of its work in spring semester each year, with the responsibility of providing recommendations at the end of the spring term on program changes to the master plan.  These recommendations, shall be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee and Academic Senate in late spring or early fall.  This will enable the campus to have an updated plan ready for submission from the President and Provost to the Chancellor’s Office by December. 
  • The AVP for Academic Programs and Planning will be responsible for submitting materials to the Chancellor’s Office and responding to System requests for information and program changes.



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