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  • Policy Number: UA.02.001
  • Version: Revision 1
  • Drafted By: Stephen Stratton
  • Approved By: Erika D. Beck
  • Approval Date: 03/27/17
  • Effective Date: 03/27/17
  • Supersedes: OP.01.005


This policy establishes the guidelines for acquisition, acceptance and loans to the University of works of art, antiquities, artifacts and archival objects for display and the University’s permanent collections. Objects acquired, accepted, and on loan should enhance the educational experience for students, enrich the intellectual culture, and reflect the mission of the University. Public art on the campus of California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI) should expand and increase awareness of and sensitivity to the environment it creates and enrich the campus’s cultural environment.


CSU Executive Order 276; California Civil Code 987 & 989



Objects are recommended to and provisionally confirmed for acquisition, acceptance, and loan by the Campus Acquisitions Committee (CAC) in consultation with appropriate campus departments and committees. Final approval is determined by the President or President’s designee. The objects recommended for acquisition, or donation will be accepted on behalf of the CSUCI Foundation by the Vice President for University Advancement after final approval has been given. Items recommended for long-term loan will be accepted on behalf of the University by the President or President’s designee after final approval has been given.


This policy applies to all acquisitions and acceptance by CSUCI of artwork, antiquities, artifacts, and archival objects, from any source, that will be considered for the University’s permanent collection, for display in public spaces, or for loan to the University, including acquisitions and acceptances by academic programs, the University Library, campus archives, University Advancement, and other campus departments and divisions, and to acquisitions and acceptances associated with capital projects. Exempted from this policy are works of art displayed in or on loan for regular art exhibitions held in campus galleries. This policy is not applicable to land or real estate, financial instruments, normal library acquisition activities, or items intended primarily for instructional or scientific research activities.


Artwork: Paintings, prints, sculptures, drawings, photographs, digital and multimedia works, and environmental installations including individual memorials. For the purposes of short-term loans, the term artwork also includes limited-term site-specific installations and projects with a participatory component.

Antiquities: Objects or relics from ancient times.

Artifacts: Documents and objects of archeological or historical interest.

Archival Object: Any item or collection of items deemed important for historical, research, or cultural reasons. Archival objects include paper books, manuscripts, journals or magazines, graphic images, audio or video clips, images of text pages, and electronic transcriptions of text. Objects may be physical examples or digital surrogates.

Public Space: Any interior or exterior area that is open for students, visitors, or employees to enter during regular business hours. These areas include, though are not limited to, walls, hallways, corridors, lobbies, conference rooms, courtyards, fences, the University library, and all other University building or property owned or controlled by the University, but excluding University Glen and Town Center property. Exempted from this policy are individual or shared offices, classrooms, studios, dedicated arts buildings (e.g., Napa Hall, Topanga Hall), and student dormitory rooms.


It is the policy of California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI) that the acquisition or acceptance of artwork, antiquities, artifacts and archival objects (collectively referred to as objects) for display in public spaces or entry into the University’s permanent collections, either permanently or on loan for a period of more than 10 months or one academic year will be based upon the assessment of specified criteria as determined by CSUCI and the CSU Chancellor’s Office and as specified in the Procedures for Acquisition, Loans to the University, and Deaccession document. The authority to commission works on behalf of CSUCI and/or the CSUCI Foundation resides solely with the University President.

Objects may be added to the University’s permanent collection by means of gifts, commissions, bequests, purchases, exchange, or any other transaction in which titles of objects pass to CSUCI or the CSUCI Foundation. All objects acquired by the CSUCI Foundation shall become sole property of the CSUCI Foundation and shall not be encumbered or restricted. The CSUCI Foundation reserves the right to sell or otherwise deaccession objects in accordance with the deaccession guidelines established in the Procedures for Acquisition, Loans to the University, and Deaccession document. The CSUCI Foundation reserves the right to transfer title of objects to CSUCI as appropriate. Objects donated to the Foundation with intent to sell shall be retained by the CSUCI Foundation until sold. Objects on loan to the University for a limited term of ten months or one academic year or less shall be accepted according to the guidelines outlined in the Procedures for Acquisition, Loans to the University, and Deaccession document.

Storage and Display. The storage needs and conditions for objects accepted for acquisition, donation and long-term loans will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Information about storage and display will be included in the acceptance or loan agreement between the University and the owner /donor of the objects. Procedures relevant to the storage and display of objects are outlined in the Procedures for Acquisition, Loans to the University, and Deaccession document.
All objects in the University’s collection or long-term possession must remain in their rightful position on campus. Exceptions may be made for use of objects for sanctioned University activities with the written approval of the Chair of the CAC, the Director of Advancement Operations (if property of the CSUCI Foundation), and the President or President’s designee.

Record-keeping for the purposes of this policy, including of documentation pertaining to acquisitions, loans, and deaccessions of objects, shall lie with University Advancement.


Procedures for Acquisition, Loans to the University, and Deaccession

Artwork, Antiquities and Artifacts Proposal and Acquisition/Acceptance Form

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