California State University Channel Islands (CI) is committed to maintaining the integrity,
safety, and civility of the University community through addressing academic and behavioral
concerns of students in an educational administrative process designed to promote
responsible citizenship. The Student Conduct and Community Responsibility office
will utilize the Student Conduct Procedures outlined by the California State University
(Executive Order 1098) to address alleged violations of the Student Conduct Code.
The CSU Student Conduct Procedures (Executive Order 1098) provide detail on related
definitions, general provisions including roles of those involved, proceeding guidelines,
description of possible sanctions that may be imposed, grounds and process for interim
suspension, and applicability of the procedure to admission or readmission to the
CSU. .
For a full description of the Student Conduct Code, view the California Code of Regulations; in the search windows type in Title 5, and Section 41301, to locate the CSU Student Conduct Code.
For a full description of the Student Conduct Procedures, view the Executive Order 1098 revised August 14, 2020.
Additional information: Policy on Academic Integrity (SP 19-01)