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- Policy Number: SP.05.034
- Version: Original
- Drafted By: Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) 2005-2006 (Membership: Dennis Muraoka and Virgil Adams - co-chairs; Amy Wallace, Antonio Jimenez, Donald Rodriguez, Merilyn Buchanan and Kevin Volkan)
- Approved By: Richard R. Rush
- Approval Date:
- Effective Date:
- Supersedes:
CSUCI regards difference in pay leave as an investment in its faculty that will assist the campus in fulfilling its mission. It is the intent of this policy that eligible CSUCI faculty who meet the conditions of this policy receive their difference in pay leave. The guidelines for a difference in pay leave in the CSU are set forth in Article 28 of the Unit 3 Memorandum of Understanding. Changes in the M.O.U. supersede this policy.
All difference in pay leaves shall be for purposes that provide a benefit to the CSU, such as research, scholarly and creative activity, instructional improvement or faculty retraining. (Article 28.1)
All CSUCI Full-time Tenure Track Faculty
A full-time faculty shall be eligible for a difference in pay leave if s/he has served full-time for six (6) years at CSUCI in the preceding seven (7) year period prior to the leave and at least six (6) years after any previous sabbatical leave or difference in pay leave. Credit granted towards the completion of the probationary period for service elsewhere shall also apply towards fulfilling the eligibility requirements for a difference in pay leave. A leave of absence without pay or service in an academic administrative appointment excluded from the bargaining unit shall not constitute a break in service for eligibility requirements. (Article 28.4)
A full-time faculty will be eligible for a subsequent difference in pay leave after he/she has served full-time for three years after the last sabbatical leave or difference in pay leave (Article 28.4) and has rendered service to CSUCI upon return prior sabbatical and difference in pay leaves at the rate of one semester of service for each term of leave (Article 28.16).
Length of Leave and Work Status, Salary and Benefits During Leave
A faculty member may be approved for a difference in pay leave for one (1) or more semesters (Article 28.2).
The salary for a faculty member for a difference in pay leave shall be the difference between the faculty member’s salary and the minimum salary of the instructor rank (Article 28.3).
The salary for a library faculty member for a difference in pay leave shall be the difference between the librarian employee’s salary and the minimum salary of the lowest comparable time base librarian rank (Article 28.3).
The salary for a counselor faculty member for a difference in pay leave shall be the difference between the counselor employee’s salary and the minimum salary of the instructor rank at the comparable time base (Article 28.3).
Faculty on a difference in pay leave shall be considered in work status and shall receive health, dental and appropriate fringe benefits provided by the CSU in the same manner as if he/she were not on difference in pay leave. (Article 28.12)
Faculty on a difference in pay leave shall be entitled to accrue sick leave, vacation, and service credit toward merit salary adjustment eligibility, eligibility toward promotion, if applicable, and seniority credit. (Article 28.13)
Faculty on difference in pay leave shall not accept additional and/or outside employment without prior approval of the President. (Article 28.14)
The Application and Review Process
The Difference in Pay Leave Application. To be considered for a difference in pay leave, a faculty member must submit an application for a difference in pay leave. The application shall include a statement of the purpose of the leave, a description of the proposed project and the CSU resources, if any, necessary to carry it out, and a statement of the time requested, which shall not exceed one (1) year. (Article 28.5) It is anticipated that the application form for a difference in pay leave shall be largely the same as the sabbatical leave form developed by the Professional Leave Committee as the required elements for a difference in pay leave application are the same as those for a sabbatical leave applications.
The Leave Review Committee. The M.O.U. calls for the creation of a program review committee consisting of tenured faculty that will review difference in pay leave applications. The Program Review Committee shall be elected by tenure track program faculty. Faculty applying for a difference in pay leave may not serve on this committee (Article 28.7). The Program Review Committee shall consist of a minimum of two persons. In the event that there is an insufficient number of tenured faculty in a program area to staff the Program Review Committee, the program may elect tenured faculty from other programs to serve on this committee.
Leave Review Committee Evaluation of the Difference in Pay Leave Application. The committee reviews difference in pay leave applications and makes recommendations in writing to the Provost or his or her designee. This review shall consider questions related to the quality of the proposed sabbatical project (Article 28.7).
Program Chair Evaluation of the Difference in Pay Leave Application. The program chair shall provide a statement to the Provost or his or her designee regarding the possible effect on the curriculum and the operation of the program should the employee be granted a difference in pay leave. (Article 28.8)
Administrative Evaluation. Prior to making a recommendation to the President regarding the difference in pay leave application, the Provost or his or her designee shall consider the recommendations of the Program Review Committee and the program chair, other campus program needs and campus budget implications. (Article 28.9)
Presidential Evaluation. Prior to making a final determination regarding the difference in pay leave and the conditions of such an approved leave, the President shall consider the recommendations made by the Professional Leave Committee, the program, and the Provost or his or her designee. The President shall respond in writing to the applicant and such a response shall include the reasons for approval or denial. If a difference in pay leave is granted, the response shall include any conditions of such a leave. A copy of this response shall be provided to the affected program and the Professional Review Committee. (Article 28.10)
Dissemination of the Results of Difference in Pay Leave
Upon completion of a difference in pay leave, the recipient of the leave will make a formal presentation of the results of his or her leave to the campus community. The format of the presentation shall be approved by the Professional Leave Committee.
Additional Provisions Stipulated by the M.O.U.
Final approval of a difference in pay leave shall not be granted until the applicant has filed with the President a suitable bond or an accepted statement of assets (not including PERS holdings) and/or a promissory note that is individually or collectively at least equal to the amount of salary paid during the leave. The guarantee posted shall indemnify the State of California against loss in the event the employee fails to render the required service in the CSU following return of the employee from the sabbatical leave. The guarantee posted shall immediately be canceled in full upon completion of required service or upon waiver of that service by mutual agreement of the faculty member and the CSU. (Article 28.12)
A faculty member shall render service to the CSU upon return from a difference in pay leave at the rate of one (1) semester of service for each semester of leave. (Article 28.16)
When a faculty member is afforded an unexpected opportunity, such as external funding, a scholarship or fellowship, a rapid and expedited review for a difference in pay leave will be provided (Article 28.6).