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  • Policy Number: SP 20-01
  • Version: New
  • Drafted By: Committee on Committees AY 2019-20: Alison Perchuk, Matthew Cook, Sean Q Kelly
  • Approved By: Richard Yao, Interim President
  • Approval Date: September 29, 2020
  • Effective Date: Spring 2021
  • Supercedes:


This policy is established to promote the core democratic value of transparency in elections; to address identified points of ambiguity related to elections in the Constitution and Bylaws of the Academic Senate of CSUCI; and to guarantee consistency in elections operations. Two appendices detail the disciplinary constituencies, which have not been elsewhere defined. 


The Bylaws of the Academic Senate of CSUCI (Art. 5, sec. 12.c) charge the Committee on Committees with the operation of Academic Senate Elections, including the formulation of relevant policies and procedures.
The Constitution and the Bylaws of the Academic Senate of CSUCI set forth general parameters for eligibility for nomination, nomination processes, and election processes. In keeping with the nature of these documents, many practical aspects of the processes have not, however, been addressed. This policy addresses the following issues: 

  • Nomination practices and validity
  • Information to be gathered from nominees and shared with the electorate
  • Reporting practices



Academic Affairs; The Senate Executive Committee; Committee on Committees


Elections conducted by the Committees on Committees on behalf of the Academic Senate


Academic Senate Election: Any selection of a member of the Academic Senate or of the faculty as a whole to any position or committee housed within the Academic Senate, or to which the Academic Senate Executive Committee has agreed to provide faculty for service, provided that such selection is undertaken through an election, poll, survey, or similar method.

Nominations- practices and validity:

  • Third-party nominations are not permitted. Only self-nominations will be accepted.
  • All faculty members regardless of rank and including lecturer faculty, may nominate themselves for any position for which they are eligible as stipulated by the Bylaws of the Academic Senate or by the relevant position description or committee charge. 
  • Sabbatical, difference in pay, or other or University- or Faculty Affairs-sanctioned or supported leave does not affect eligibility of otherwise eligible faculty members to take part in the nomination process, to vote in elections, or to hold elected office during the time of their leave. 

Nominations- Information to be gathered:

Nominees shall provide the following, which shall be shared with the electorate:

  • Name
  • Rank
  • School
  • Program or Department
  • Nominees shall be requested to provide a statement of qualification and interest. Provision is voluntary, except where mandated by the Bylaws. Any statements provided shall be shared verbatim with the electorate.
  • Nominees shall be not be requested to provide protected status information, nor shall they be requested to provide a photograph or other image. 
  • If necessary to an informed electorate for a specific position under election, nominees may be requested to provide additional information, as determined by the Academic Senate, the Senate Executive, the Committee on Committees, or any committee or body seeking elected representatives from the membership of the Academic Senate or the faculty at large through an election or similar process conducted by the Committee on Committees. Such information may be voluntary or required. 

Elections- processes and timing

Elections are held at the request of the Senate Executive Committee

  • The scheduling of elections shall be the purview of the Committee on Committees
  • Elections shall be held electronically using a secure system
  • Elections shall be operated on the principle of one person/one vote, unless otherwise requested by the Senate Executive Committee (e.g., for balloting weighted by rank)
  • Each election shall comprise of a nomination period of at least one week (7 days), a period of at least 2 business days for certification of nominations and construction of ballots, and a balloting period of at least one week (7 days)
  • Reporting of results shall not occur until after the election has been certified by the Committee on Committees

Reporting of election results:

  • The Committee on Committees shall prepare a statement of election results in a timely manner. This statement shall include the total size of the electorate, the number of ballots cast in the election, the positions for which elections have been conducted and the names, ranks, and programs or departments of those elected to these positions. The statement shall NOT include either tallies of elections results or a link to such tallies but instead report percentages. Numerical results shall be shared with the chair of the Senate. 
  • The Committee on Committees shall share this statement of election results in a timely manner with the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, either directly or through the assistance of support staff.
  • The Committee on Committees shall share this statement of election results in a timely manner with the Academic Senate and the faculty as a whole, either directly or through the assistance of support staff.
  • It shall be the responsibility of the Chairs or other responsible parties of the various committees and bodies for which membership has been sought through the elections process to contact newly elected members of such committees and bodies. 


  • Concerns of irregularities in the nominations and elections processes or results shall be brought to the attention of both the Chair of the Committee on Committees and the Chair of the Academic Senate within 7 days of the reporting of election results. 
  • The Committee on Committees shall issue a ruling, which may be appealed to the Senate Executive Committee for final dispensation.


  • Appendix 1. Disciplinary Constituencies: General Positions
  • Appendix 2. Disciplinary Constituencies: Local Curriculum Committee

Appendix 1. Disciplinary Constituencies: General Positions 

The disciplinary constituencies for Academic Senate Standing and Advisory Committees, and for any other position solicitation under the purview of the Academic Senate are as follows, unless indicated otherwise. Faculty who teach in multiple program areas should use their area of primary appointment in determining their disciplinary constituency; should an appointment be evenly split; the constituency is of the faculty member's choice: 

  • Arts & Humanities: Art, English, History, Performing Arts, Global Languages and
  • Behavioral & Social Sciences: Chicana/o Studies, Communication, Global Studies,
    Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology
  • Business & Economics: All faculty appointed in the Martin V. Smith School (Business, Economics)
  • Education: All faculty appointed in the School of Education (ECS/Liberal Studies,
    Teaching Credentials, SOE Graduate Programs)
  • Library & Counselors: All faculty librarians and faculty counselors. Should CI add
    faculty coaches, they would be included in this constituency
  • Math & Sciences: Applied Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science/IT, ESRM, Health Sciences, Math, Nursing
  • Lecturer Representatives: Faculty from any discipline who hold the rank of Lecturer and have a contract for a minimum of 6 WTUS in the term of election are eligible for Lecturer Representative positions

Appendix 2. Disciplinary Constituencies: Local Curriculum Committees/ Academic Policy and Planning Committee 

The disciplinary constituencies for the Local Curriculum Committees are determined by the Academic Policy and Planning Committee.  During AY 2019-20, these constituencies were as follows: 

  • Arts & Humanities: Art, English, History, Performing Arts, Spanish
  • Behavioral & Social Sciences: Chicana/o Studies, Communication, Global Studies, Library, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology
  • Math & Sciences: Anthropology, Applied Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science/IT, ESRM, Math
  • Professional Studies: Business, ECS/Liberal Studies, Economics, Health Sciences, Nursing, Teaching Credentials, SOE Graduate Programs

Please consult this committee's bylaws and documentation for current constituency information. 

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