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  • Policy Number: SP.16.002
  • Version: Original
  • Drafted By: Division of Academic Affairs
  • Approved By: Academic Senate
  • Approval Date: 12/6/16
  • Effective Date: Fall 2017
  • Supercedes: SP.01.003


Replaces SP 01-03. Clarifies course numbering in light of the addition of graduate degrees, OLLI courses, and other developments since the school’s founding.


The Curriculum Committee has attempted to make our policy on course numbering match current practices to the extent possible



Academic Affairs


Program Areas, Students




Programs are expected to number their courses using this policy. 

- - - - - - - - - -
0-099Sub-collegiate (no college-level credit) Courses
100-499Baccalaureate courses
100-299Lower-Division Courses
490-499Special Topics- variable topic/credit courses
-Independent Research Course- variable credit
-Directed Studies Course- variable topic/credit courses
-Service Learning/Internship Course- variable credit
-Senior Thesis Course- variable topic/credit courses
-Undergraduate Capstone Course
500-699 Graduate and Teacher Credential Courses
700-799[Reserved for future unseen uses]
800-899Continuing education units[2]
900-999Credit, non-degree courses
1000-1099Non-credit, non-graded courses (e.g., OLLI)

[1] State and federal financial aid for undergraduate students is restricted to use on undergraduate courses. Thus, courses for baccalaureate students with a numbering of 500 or higher makes it financially burdensome for students on financial aid.

[2] 800-899 and 900-999 are used for teachers to earn continuing education units (CEUs) or course credits for certification. As some school districts use CEUs, while others use credits, both are available at CI. The difference is in the amount of instruction time per unit or credit (10 for CEUs, 15 for credits).



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