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- Policy Number: SP.013.007
- Version: Original
- Drafted By: Christy Teranishi Martinez, Beatrice de Oca, Harley baker, Kimmy Kee-Rose, Virgil Adams, Kevin Volkan, Michelle Moon, Therese Eyermann, Karen Carey
- Approved By: Richard R. Rush
- Approval Date: Fall 2013
- Effective Date: Fall 2016
- Supersedes:
For Both Tracks:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of theory and research in psychology emphasizing advanced research methods and statistics, and breadth of understanding in the field of psychology;
- Examine research issues and problems from multiple perspectives, including multicultural, interdisciplinary, international, experiential, and/or theoretical perspectives;
- Effectively critique and evaluate current theories and methods in the field of psychology;
- Demonstrate oral and written communication effectively;
- Demonstrate critical and analytical thinking skills; and,
- Gain experience teaching classes and mentoring Psychology students.
In addition, for the Doctoral Preparation Track:
- Develop a publishable manuscript from a Master’s thesis; and
- Acquire advanced preparation to pursue further study and/or a variety of professional careers in Psychology
In addition, for the Applied Psychology/Program Evaluation Track:
- Participate in service learning and civic engagement with a community partner;
- Develop a publishable manuscript from a Master’s project;
- Acquire advanced preparation to develop grant writing skills; and
- Acquire advanced preparation to develop program evaluation skills.
The Master of Arts in Psychology degree at CSU Channel Islands (CI) offers an innovative advanced degree program for students interested in research and applied fields of Psychology. This program will offer two
specializations: one focusing on doctoral preparation and another preparing students for careers in Applied Psychology/Program Evaluation. The M.A. in Psychology will prepare students to think critically and
analytically, and to conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses. Students will develop proficiency in such tasks as conducting research, statistical analysis, program evaluation, grant writing, consulting and
teaching. Students in the Applied Psychology track will participate in civic engagement, interdisciplinary and multicultural applications of psychology. Their training will emphasize breadth of knowledge in
psychological theories and principles to solve real world problems in preparation for a wide range of academic, research, and applied careers in Psychology.
Psychology program
See attached document.