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  • Policy Number: SA.03.005
  • Version: 5
  • Drafted By: Eboni Ford Turnbow and Julia Heck
  • Approved By: Richard Yao
  • Approval Date: 03/04/24
  • Effective Date: 03/04/24
  • Supercedes: SA.03.003


The University Alcohol Policy applies to all members of the campus community including students, faculty, staff, visitors, and sponsored organizations. This policy does not govern areas where ground subleases vest control of the property in a third party (namely east campus (University Glen & Anacapa Canyon) residences located beyond the University Glen Town Center). The University Alcohol Policy is intended to guide practices related to alcohol use and to achieve the following: 

  1. Provide a safe and secure environment;
  2. Promote healthy choices for the campus community;
  3. Consistently enforce laws and policies regarding the use of alcohol;
  4. Encourage members of the campus community to take responsibility for each other.


California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI) is committed to creating a healthy working and learning environment in which illegal or improper use of alcohol does not interfere with student learning, performance, or development nor impede the University’s ability to maintain a safe environment for employees and guests.

Authority for establishing regulations and guidelines relating to the use of alcohol is vested in the University’s President, pursuant to Title 5, Article 2, section 41301(10) of the California Code of Regulations, California State University Executive Order 1068—Student Activities, and California State University Executive Order 1098—Student Conduct Procedures. Sales, Services, and Promotion of Alcoholic Beverages are further governed by California Executive Orders 1107 and 1109.

The California Penal Code, the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (commonly referred to as The Clere Act), and Section 25662 of the California Business and Professions Code also support university regulation of the use of alcohol on campus.



Students: Dean of Students and the Senior Director of Housing & Residential Education

Staff: Human Resources

Faculty: Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs, Success, & Equity

Internal Campus Events: Director of University Events

External Events Held on Campus: Executive Director of Operations

Chief of Police: On behalf of the President, the Chief of Police is the approving authority for the provision of alcohol at all on- and off-campus CSUCI sponsored events. The Chief of Police is also responsible for the enforcement of California state law as it pertains to alcohol-related offenses.


This policy applies to all CSUCI students, faculty, staff, campus tenants, visitors, clubs, organizations, and/or all University- sponsored activities or events whether on- or off-campus. This policy does not apply to east campus (University Glen & Anacapa Canyon) residential areas, except for the Town Center while it is leased by CSUCI expressly for student housing. This policy does not supersede any provision within any CSU collective bargaining agreement (CBA).


Alcoholic Beverage: Includes alcohol, spirits, liquor, wine, beer, and every liquid or solid containing alcohol, spirits, wine, or beer, and which contains one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by volume and which is fit for beverage purposes either alone or when diluted, mixed, or combined with other substances.

Alcohol Privileges: When a student residing in on-campus student housing has completed the designated Alcohol Education program and is 21 years of age or older, they are given an Alcohol Privilege Card and the permission to consume alcohol in a Designated Consumption Zone (DCZ) within student housing.

Campus Community Member: Current CSUCI students, faculty, staff, and administrators, including auxiliary employees.

Co-Sponsored Events: Programs, activities, and overnight conferences/facility use occurring on university property as a collaborative effort between the University and the outside entity where costs for facility rental may be reduced or paid by the outside entity and/or the co-sponsoring University area/program/unit department. Facility set up fees may also be incurred by the University area/program/unit department or the outside entity partner.

External Events: Programs, activities, and overnight conferences/facility use occurring on or off University property through a Facilities Use Agreement by individuals and/or groups external to the University. External groups are charged a fee for rental and set up of campus facilities.

Internal Events: Programs and activities occurring on University property by and for members of the campus community and other non-campus community guests who are invited to attend. A fee for facility rental is not generally charged, but facility set up fees may be charged.

Intoxication: affected by alcohol at, or in excess of, the legal limit (.08%) and/or to the point where a person is unable to exercise care for their own safety or the safety of others while in public.

Resident: Any person who rents, leases, or resides in a university residence.

Sale: The exchanging of any consideration, either directly or indirectly, for an alcoholic beverage. The term “sale” also includes the imposition of any admission charge to, or any other charge for an event at which alcoholic beverages will be served exclusively to those who pay such charge. The term “consideration,” as used above, includes money or tickets, tokens or chips that have been issued in exchange for money, or anything else of value.

Student Housing Designated Consumption Zone: Any apartment or suite where all occupants have completed the required Alcohol Education Program, are in good judicial standing with student housing, and have been granted alcohol privileges.

University Property: Any real property, land, facility, or annex property thereof, which is owned, leased, licensed, rented, used, or otherwise controlled by the University.

University Residence: Any leased apartment or dwelling space on university property or leased off-campus by the University for student occupancy, including but not limited to balconies and adjacent sidewalks or pathways, parking lots, and yards.

University-sponsored Event: Any event, meeting, conference, party, or gathering that is conducted on University property or conducted or sponsored off-campus by the University, or by a component thereof, or by an official, employee, or agent thereof, acting in their capacity as such, or by any club, team, or organization that is permitted to use the name of the University or that is officially affiliated with the University. Off-campus University-sponsored events typically include events funded by the University or the CSUCI Foundation, or activities offered for academic credit to students. This does not include off-campus events sponsored by external organizations or professional/educational association meetings which are attended by students, staff, or faculty.


The intent of this policy is to neither prohibit nor endorse the use of alcoholic beverages, but to describe the permitted and prohibited uses of alcoholic beverages on campus and at off-campus University-sponsored events. The University is committed to maintaining an environment that is predominantly free of the use of alcoholic beverages and to being in compliance with federal and state laws and CSU System-wide mandates and directives.

Students, employees, or visitors who violate laws or University policies concerning alcoholic beverages shall be subject to criminal prosecution and/or institutional sanctions. Student sanctions may include behavioral probation, suspension, student housing license termination, or expulsion. For staff/faculty discipline, in case of conflict between this policy and any CSU policy or CBA, the language of the conflicting policy or CBA is controlling.

Authorization for the Possession, Sale or Distribution of Alcoholic Beverages

An individual or group may not possess, consume, sell or distribute alcoholic beverages on CSUCI property without the written approval from the Chief of Police except as provided herein.

On-campus Requirements:

  • Sale and/or services of alcohol at on-campus events, or for sale through the Student Union, must be provided by University Auxiliary Services (UAS), or other food service vendors cleared by University Auxiliary Services (UAS), CSUCI Risk Management, and University Procurement.
  • Any sale, furnishing, use, or consumption of an alcoholic beverage in violation of state or federal law and/or CSU System-wide mandates and directives is prohibited.
  • No minors shall be permitted to consume alcoholic beverages at any time. For programs or locations where the service and/or sale of alcohol is permitted, a procedure outlining effective control measures must be in place and actively employed to prevent service to and consumption by minors.
  • Attendance at an approved event where alcohol is permitted shall be limited to members of the sponsoring organization and their invited guests.
  • The University’s Chief of Police must approve the provision of alcohol within the limits of this policy in advance of any University-sponsored event where alcohol is served.
  • The sponsoring organization of the approved event is responsible for ensuring mechanisms are in place to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, University policies and procedures regarding alcohol.
  • No resident of student housing, 21 years of age or older, may possess or consume alcoholic beverages in student housing until and unless the resident obtains individual alcohol privileges and the room where alcohol is being stored or consumed has been approved as a Designated Consumption Zone (DCZ). Student housing residents are responsible for ensuring that their guest(s) abides by all laws and University policies, including the alcohol policy contained herein and as outlined in the student housing license agreement, resident handbook, and documents governing CSUCI student housing. Residents or guests under the age of 21 are not allowed to be present in a DCZ when alcohol consumption is taking place. These restrictions do not apply to non-student employees of CSUCI residing in student housing.
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages in public areas is prohibited, except where alcohol at an event, or on an ongoing basis at an approved on-campus venue (such as the Student Union), is approved in advance by the University’s Chief of Police. Additionally, individuals are not permitted to bring alcohol into the event/venue and are not permitted to leave the event/venue with alcohol.
  • Intoxication in any area of the University is prohibited.

Off-campus Requirements:

  • Any sale, furnishing, use or consumption of an alcoholic beverage, at any off-campus event sponsored by a registered/recognized student club or organization without prior approval by the Chief of Police is prohibited.
  • Intoxication by any member of a University registered/recognized student club or organization at any University-sponsored off-campus event is prohibited.

Enforcement of the Policy on Alcohol

  • On campus, the CSUCI Police Department exercises police powers in enforcing state laws regarding alcoholic beverages. Violators may be referred to the District Attorney for prosecution. In addition to requesting prosecution under appropriate laws, the University may impose its own sanctions on students and University employees consistent with the terms of the applicable CSU policy, CBA, or CSU Student Conduct Procedures-(EO 1098).
  • Alleged violation of the University Alcohol Policy by students for on and off campus University events will be adjudicated through the University student conduct process. Non-resident incidents may be referred to the Dean of Students office. Violation of the Housing & Residential Education alcohol community living standards as outlined in the CSUCI Resident Handbook may be referred to the Senior Director of Residential Education or their designee. Resident students are also subject to removal from student housing for violations of this University policy.

Marketing and Sales of Alcoholic Beverages

  • CSU Executive Order 1109 permits each CSU campus president to permit the sale and service of alcoholic beverages at university-sponsored intercollegiate athletic events. This order affirms that the CSU system, and in turn CSUCI, are constantly striving to enhance its alcohol education programs, reduce alcohol abuse, and strengthen its policy efforts to promote the legal and responsible use of alcohol. As such, CSUCI is consistent and adherent with this order as it pertains to the sale and advertising of alcoholic beverages as long as it is done legally and within guidelines that promote responsible use.

Substance Abuse Resources

Resources are available for students, faculty, and staff seeking support with concerns related to substance use or abuse.

Students: Counseling & Psychological Services, Student Health Services, and Wellness Promotion & Education.

Faculty & Staff: Employee Assistance Program, and Health Insurance Benefits for those who qualify.


Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages

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