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  • Policy Number: FA.31.017
  • Version: Original
  • Drafted By: Laurie Nichols
  • Approved By: Richard Yao
  • Approval Date: 4.26.21
  • Effective Date: 4.26.21
  • Supercedes:


California State University Channel Islands (CSUCI) is committed to providing a safe environment for youth on campus. This policy will establish standards and protocol for the safety and protection of
youth, to guide staff and volunteer conduct, and to facilitate the identification of high-risk interactions and program characteristics.


CSUCI interacts with a multitude of persons under the age of 18 through a wide range of diverse programs including camps, clinics, workshops, and conferences on campus. CSUCI strives to offer safe and enjoyable educational environments for youth.


CSU Chancellor’s Office Executive Order 1083 - Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
CSU Technical Letter HR 2017-17 Background Check Policy
CSU Managing Risk in Youth Programs Resource Guide



Risk Management in the Division of Business and Financial Affairs administers this policy, interprets the policy for the campus, and revises the policy as necessary.


This policy applies to all Youth Program Personnel.


Youth/Minor: The term “youth” represents any person under 18 years of age who is not a matriculated student.

Youth Program Personnel: Any full-time or part-time employee of CSUCI or its auxiliary organizations working in any YOUTH PROGRAM run or sponsored by CSUCI or its auxiliary organizations; or any students, student assistants, or volunteers working in any YOUTH PROGRAM administered or sponsored by CSUCI or its auxiliary organizations.

Youth Program: All events, operations or activities designed for participation by minors organized by CSUCI in which YOUTH PROGRAM PERSONNEL are responsible for the care, custody, or control of minors; and all events, operations, or activities for participation by minors administered by an auxiliary organization or other third-party organization on CSUCI property. Typical youth programs include, but are not limited to, instructional programs, day camps, overnight camps, and sports camps.

On Campus: Facilities and space owned by, or under direct control and supervision of the University or any of its Auxiliaries.

Policy Text

CSUCI is dedicated to the welfare and safety of youth who participate in campus-sponsored programs as well as third party programs associated with the campus. To ensure appropriate protection for all, guidelines with procedures have been established in the CSU Channel Islands Managing Risk in Youth Programs Resource Guide. The purpose of these guidelines is to establish standards and protocol for the safety and protection of youths, to guide staff and volunteer conduct, and to facilitate the identification of high-risk interactions and program characteristics. This includes program registration, waivers and/or release of liability forms, background check information as well as staff and volunteer training. The guidelines also outline abuse reporting protocols for mandated reporters under Executive Order 1083 and the Child Abuse Neglect and Reporting Act (CANRA).

All administrators, faculty, staff, students, volunteers and others who work with youth on campus and/or administer youth participant programs are responsible for understanding their obligation to report any instances of known or suspected abuse or neglect of minors and complying with this Policy. In addition, all who work with youths on campus must comply with the procedures and protocols as described in the CSU Channel Islands Managing Risk in Youth Programs Resource Guide which includes standards for:

  • Youth program registration
  • Compliance with CSU screening and background check requirements
  • Youth Program Personnel Code of Conduct requirement
  • Youth protection training
  • Reporting and responding to allegations of abuse or neglect
  • Program-specific manual/guidelines

Registration for Youth Programs will be submitted to the University Risk Manager (or designee) who will maintain an inventory of the youth programs registered to be held on campus.

Non-compliance of the CSU Channel Islands Managing Risk in Youth Programs Resource Guide or this policy may result in discipline, up to and including termination of employment or volunteer duties.


All employees and volunteers involved in Youth Programs must abide by California state law and reporting requirements as they pertain to suspected child abuse or neglect. Whenever an employee or volunteer, in their professional capacity or within the scope of their employment or volunteer duties, has knowledge of or observes a person under the age of 18 years who they know or reasonably suspect has been the victim of child abuse or neglect, they must report the suspected incident. Failure to report may result in criminal penalties. Suspected violations of law must be reported to the University Police Department or other appropriate agency. For purposes of this reporting responsibility, “abuse” includes, but is not limited to:

  • Physical abuse, meaning physical injury other than by accidental means inflicted on a child (Penal Code § 11165.6)
  • Sexual assault, including sex acts with a child, intentional masturbation in the presence of a child, child molestation, and lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age or with a child under 16 years of age if the other person is at least ten years older than the child (Penal Code § 11165.1(a)(b))
  • Sexual exploitation, including acts relating to child pornography, child prostitution, or performances involving obscene sexual conduct by a child (Penal Code § 11165.1(c))
  • Statutory rape involving sexual intercourse between a child under 16 years of age and a person 21 years of age or older, which is also a form of "sexual assault" (Penal Code §§ 261.5(d) and 11165.1(a))
  • Neglect meaning the negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child by a parent, guardian or caretaker under circumstances indicating harm or threatened harm to the child's health or welfare (Penal Code §11165.2)
  • Willful harming or injuring or endangering a child, meaning a situation in which any person inflicts, or willfully causes or permits a child to suffer, unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering, or causes or permits a child to be placed in a situation in which the child or child's health is endangered (Penal Code § 11165.3)
  • Unlawful corporal punishment, meaning a situation in which any person willfully inflicts upon a child cruel or inhuman corporal punishment or a physical injury (Penal Code § 11165.4)

Detailed information, including categories of CSU employees and volunteers who are designated as Mandated Reporters, reporting requirements and procedures, and reporting forms is provided in
Executive Order 1083 (revised July 21, 2017) Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect

To the extent there is a conflict between this policy and a state or federal law or to the extent that state or federal law already regulate an activity (e.g., licensed childcare facilities, institutional review board (IRB)-approved research), the state or federal law will supersede this policy.


CSU Channel Islands Managing Risk in Youth Programs Resource Guide (PDF, 407KB)
Youth on Campus Program or Activity Registration (PDF, 353KB)
EO 1083:

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