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- Policy Number: FA.31.012
- Version: Original - Consent
- Drafted By: Anna Pavin
- Approved By: Richard R. Rush
- Approval Date: 3/25/13
- Effective Date: 3/25/13
- Supersedes: N/A
A search committee’s goal is to hire the best candidate based on the functional needs of the position and to ensure the best possible fit within the culture of the campus. A diverse search committee that includes individuals outside the hiring department as well as individuals outside the management classification allows the opportunity to share insights, challenge assumptions and bring lessons of experience from other perspectives and disciplines. It can also lead to collective learning and tap the collective intelligence of the University. This policy is created to ensure that there is broad awareness and input in decisions that affect hiring for campus leadership positions, typically at the level of Associate Dean or Director and higher.
During the accreditation process WASC commended the campus practice of broad, cross-campus inclusion in decision-making in general and specifically in the hiring process for upper-level administrators. To insure this innovative aspect of the campus was institutionalized and not subject to subsequent changes in campus leadership they recommended creating a policy that formalized this cross-campus collaboration.
AS-2699-05/FA - May 5-6, 2005
Title 5 CA Code of Regulations, § 42723
Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA) Title 5
Human Resources, Division Vice Presidents, Chairs of MPP search committees
This policy applies to California State University Channel Islands (CI) staff and faculty responsible for conducting searches for MPP Level III and IV positions on campus and specifically designated Level II positions.
Management Personnel Plan (MPP) - The CSU MPP is an integrated personnel system addressing the employment rights, benefits, and conditions of those CSU employees designated as "management" or "supervisory" under HEERA.
Cabinet Areas - Academic Affairs, University Advancement, Finance and Administration, Technology & Communication, and Student Affairs
A search committee, with a well-defined charge, will be assembled by the hiring manager, in consultation with the Cabinet Area Vice President. The list of search committee members will be approved by the division Vice President before potential members are asked to serve.
While search committee composition necessarily varies to suit the position, the number and composition of members will contain an appropriate mix of faculty, students, and staff (as well as possibly others) relevant to the function of the position, as deemed by the Vice President.
This policy affects search committees for MPP positions at level of III and IV. It also affects MPP level II positions that the Vice President determines include duties that involve strong interaction with cross campus constituents. The Vice President will determine the number and level of search committee members within the division, including other administrators and staff, based on their status, function and technical background as appropriate. Additionally, for all these searches search committees membership will include at a minimum:
- One non-MPP staff member from the divisional area.
- One representative from the faculty.
- One MPP representative, from another Cabinet Area deemed by the division Vice President to have a relevant relationship with the position.
- Additionally, for MPP IV positions, one student representative vetted through ASI and the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designee.
The search committee for a Vice President will be appointed by the President utilizing similar guidelines.
Nothing in this policy should be construed to limit the search committee membership should a hiring manager or Cabinet Area head wish to establish a more broadly constituted search committee, including more faculty, MPPs, non-MPPs or students, or community, alumni or consultants. Additionally, the search committee composition should be inclusive and include representation from diverse backgrounds (e.g., gender and ethnicity). To ensure representation of interests within the process, larger committees should strive to meet the goal of broad-based and inclusive participation proportionally from the categories listed above.
Searches that operate substantially during non-academic sessions and are unable to garner faculty or student participation on the search committee may request a waiver from Human Resources Programs. Such a request will identify the steps the division took to solicit this participation.