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  • Policy Number: AA.04.007
  • Version: Revision 1
  • Drafted By: Nelle Moffett
  • Approved By: Richard R. Rush
  • Approval Date: 12/9/08
  • Effective Date: 12/9/08
  • Supersedes: AA.04.003


CSU Channel Islands is committed to continuous improvement and as such will undertake various qualitative and quantitative research efforts to assess its progress toward this goal.  It is important for the university to maximize the value of these data collection efforts to the institution by calendaring these activities.  This policy is intended to avoid overburdening participants through respondent fatigue.  The calendaring of research does not imply prior IRB approval.





The CSUCI Assessment Council


University individuals, departments or divisions who wish to use CSUCI students, faculty, or staff as research participants or informants.

Note: it is NOT the intention of this policy to include individual classroom assessment conducted by faculty, nor does it include research in which faculty engage for their discipline, nor does it include research that is conducted by the Institutional Research Office.


For the purposes of this policy:

Data collection. Although this definition is not meant to be exhaustive, typical examples of data collection include surveys (e.g. mail, e-mail, on-line, phone), interviews (focus groups, face-to-face), and observational methods.

Institutional research is defined broadly as research conducted by university individuals, departments or divisions for the purpose of institutional assessment and improvement and intended for internal dissemination only.

Calendaring is defined as prioritizing and scheduling data collection efforts.
IRB Approval Process is defined as the review of research plans to ensure the protection of human subjects.


University individuals, departments or divisions who wish to use CSUCI students, faculty, or staff as research participants or informants will submit calendaring requests to the Institutional Research Office. The Institutional Research Office has the responsibility to calendar data collection activities for institutional research purposes involving CSUCI students, faculty or staff as participants.  The Institutional Research Office will provide calendaring information to the Assessment Council as requested.  The Institutional Research Office will bring any calendaring issues that need resolution to the Assessment Council for discussion.


Exhibit A:
Those submitting calendaring requests to the Institutional Research Office should provide the:

  1. IRB evidence of review, if needed.
  2. Research topic
  3. Method of research, e.g. survey, focus group
  4. Research participants
  5. Dates of participant contact and / or timeframe to field survey
  6. Incentives offered
  7. Notice of intent to submit research findings to the Institutional Research Clearinghouse

Institutional Research Office

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