FA.45.002 - Policy on University Space Allocation (Supersedes FA.45.001)


  • Policy Number: FA 45.002
  • Version: Revision 1
  • Drafted By: David Carlson and Tom Hunt
  • Approved By: Richard D. Yao
  • Approval Date: 05/26/2022
  • Effective Date: 05/26/2022
  • Supersedes:  FA 45.001


The allocation of space is critical to accomplishing the mission of the University. Space allocation decisions must be made in agreement with criteria that meet the needs of the University. This policy has been developed to manage space allocation at CSU Channel Islands. 


The Space and Facilities Database (SFDB) is a systemwide inventory of campuses' physical resources that serves as the official CSU central record for current inventory. Each campus maintains its own space and facilities inventory in the SFDB and the allocation of space is included in annual reporting to the Chancellor's Office to verify if space is being properly utilized. 


The University Space Planning Committee (USPC) will convene monthly or as needed to establish and maintain ta comprehensive space utilization and allocation program for the University 


President, Provost/Vice Presidents


All University Divisions

Policy Text:

Fundamental Principles and Processes

  1. USPC membership shall be cross divisional (see Exhibit AB). While members are responsible for representing their respective divisions, the higher calling is to serve as an institutional official with responsibility for aiding the President to make best possible use of all University spaces.
  2. At the close of each academic year, each division will provide an efficiency and needs assessment (see Exhibit B) of their division’s space usage to the USPC Chair, for review by the USPC at the start of the academic year. The intent is to make space usage and needs transparent across divisions.
  3. The allocation and use of space shall support the CSUCI Mission, Academic Master Plan, campus Physical Master Plan, and campus Strategic Plan.
  4. To ensure equitable recommendations to space allocation requests, processes shall be transparent and communicated within each division by the respective Cabinet members.
  5. Space is a limited resource and is not owned by divisions, programs, or current occupants. Space is owned at the University level and the President makes allocations of space to the divisions.
  6. Cabinet members are responsible for:
    1. communicating Space Request Process Guidelines within their division (see Exhibit C), 
    2. ensuring that units within their division comply with this policy,
    3. creating a process for vetting space allocation requests, ensuring that they meet divisional priorities,
    4. submitting completed and vetted Space Allocation Request forms (see Exhibit, D) from their division to the Chair of the USPC, and
    5. communicating with prior and future occupants of a reallocated space.

7. Highest consideration will be given to health, safety, and compliance-related concerns, academic needs, and direct student support service needs. Alignment with the SFDB is required to protect Chancellor’s Office funding based on classroom space allocations.

8. All allocations of space outside of and between divisions shall be discussed by the USPC and recommendations made to the President. USPC deliberations shall include:

a. functionality of space for requesting entity and proximity to related programs

b. improvement costs and availability of funding

c. urgency of need and timing

d. availability of space (If currently occupied, consider alternate plan for current occupants.)

e. ADA compliance

f. technology needs

g. anticipated future growth needs of the requesting entity

h. impacts on other University space or programs

i. impact to the SFDB, ensuring that allocations are in keeping with responsible utilization

9. Final authority on all space allocation decisions rests with the President. 

10. All space allocations shall follow the requirements identified in the State University Administrative Manual (Exhibit E).

Custody and Control of Space

  1. Change in Function: Space shall be allocated for its intended purpose. Space allocated to a division may be reallocated internally within the division with approval of the division Cabinet member, including a change in function, except for classroom and lab space.
  2. Classroom and Lab Space: Program controlled and centrally scheduled classroom and lab areas are protected from conversion to other uses unless (1) the requesting unit identifies replacement space, (2) makes a formal request through the Space Request Process, (3) the conversion is recommended by the USPC, and (4) the conversion is approved by the President.
  3. All spaces vacated by a division are considered unallocated. For purposes of this policy, “vacated” means that a unit has moved out of a particular space and requires no further operational usage of that space. They shall be requested for allocation by submission of a Space Allocation Request Form to the USPC.
  4. All space conflicts between divisions shall be reviewed by the USPC. The USPC will give resolution recommendations to the President. Space conflicts internal to a division shall be resolved by the division vice president.
  5. Grants/Contracts – All grants and contracts that require space allocation must include the USPC in the routing process prior to submission.


A. USPC Membership

B. Divisional Space Assessment Report (Link to online template - currently in development)

  1. Impact of teleworking on office space allocations
  2. Efficiencies (i.e., rough % of spaces that are meeting needs effectively and efficiently)
  3. Needs (immediate, intermediate, and long term)
  4. Spaces anticipated to be vacated

C. Space Request Process Guidelines

D. Space Allocation Request Form (Link to online form - currently in development)

E. State University Admin Manual Section 9065.02: office space and requirements

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