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  • Policy Number: FA.04.001
  • Version: Original
  • Drafted By: Business and Financial Affairs
  • Approved By: Richard R. Rush
  • Approval Date: 05/03/16
  • Effective Date: 05/03/16
  • Supercedes:


This policy will provide an established process for the review of minor capital project requests generated by University areas. This policy will help to ensure that requested minor capital projects meet applicable guidelines prior to implementation and through project completion if approved. Coordination of requests with the University annual minor capital program is necessary to ensure critical needs of the University are addressed.


The annual minor capital outlay program exists to improve and/or modify facilities appropriate to support CSU Channel Islands (CSUCI) approved educational programs, to create environments conducive to learning, and to ensure that the quality and quantity of facilities throughout the University serve the students, faculty, and staff.
As a practice, in the past, when non-routine space improvements/modifications were desired, the requesting area would submit a work order to Facilities Services (FS). Quotes were created and the area/division would authorize the project to proceed if they had budget available. No University-wide prioritization of the project existed to ensure the project was a University priority and that renovations conformed to the broad need of the campus.



Facilities Services (FS) is responsible for ensuring this policy is applied to new facilities requests for renovation or any other non-routine requests from University areas.


This policy applies to all University Divisions or areas.


Minor Capital Outlay: Projects with an estimated cost greater than the minimum threshold but not more than the maximum threshold for minor capital projects as approved by the CSU, and have a useful life of longer than one year.


The following are limitations, restrictions, and required approvals associated with the CSU System’s Minor Capital Outlay Program:

  1. Top priority shall be given to projects which correct safety items as required by the Division of Industrial Safety, the State Fire Marshal, Public Health, or other authoritative agencies, and other projects that support the University’s strategic priorities;
  2. State funds cannot be used for projects related to parking lots, residence halls, campus unions, health centers, or other non-state funded projects, though these projects shall follow the same procedures identified below;
  3. Projects involving alterations or additions to buildings shall be approved by the State Fire Marshal, the Access Compliance Section, Division of the State Architect, and other required entities as identified in the State University Administrative Manual for capital projects before proceeding.

Each year as part of the annual budget process, requests will be solicited for minor capital project proposals from all areas of the University. These shall include projects proposed for the upcoming fiscal year as well as an additional two years for a three year planning proposal. Working with the requestors, FS will develop project scopes and budgets.

Other categories of projects included in the minor capital program (not initiated by areas) are categorized as follows:

  • Critical – Projects in this category require immediate action to return a facility to normal operation, stop accelerated deterioration and/or correct a cited safety hazard.
  • Code Deficiencies – Projects to bring existing facilities and/or infrastructure up to current standards as per current state building code requirements and safety regulations.
  • Deferred Maintenance – Refers to expenditures for repairs which were not accomplished as a part of normal maintenance or capital repair which have accumulated to the point that facility deterioration is evident and could impair the proper functioning of the facility. Deferred maintenance projects represent catch up expenses.
  • Plant Adaption/Infrastructure – Expenditures required to adapt the physical plant to the evolving needs of the institution and changing code requirements and standards, including strategic priorities for the campus. These are expenditures are beyond normal maintenance. Examples include facility alterations required by changing teaching or research pedagogies and improvements occasioned by the adoption of modern technology.
  • Campus Improvement/Renovations – Interior changes to campus facilities to accommodate needs of the occupant to further the educational mission of the University.
  • Security – Precautions or projects to ensure against theft, vandalism and/or to prevent unauthorized access to special equipment or personnel files, etc.

The list of area/division-initiated projects shall be submitted through the budget process for review and consultation with the Space Advisory Work Group. Following that review, the departmental project request list will be submitted to the President for approval as part of the annual budget process.

With the President’s approval of the budget, FS will prepare a timeline for each project and will notify the requestor. If changes to the scope of the work occur after approval, the new scope change will go through another iteration of review if that additional scope exceeds the minimum threshold as approved by the CSU.
Non-policy changes

In recognition that certain requests for Minor Capital Outlay project funding may occur outside of the cycle of the annual budget process, those requests shall follow the same procedure and review process, but shall be limited to requests that utilize external funding such as grant requests, or code compliance issues that have arisen outside of the budget process timeframe, and other unforeseen needs. These requests will require review by the Space Advisory Work Group using the same criteria.



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